The COE is the heartbeat of CognitiveOPS, Inc. We use project portfolio management techniques to govern the COE and its affiliated resource network. It is responsible for incubating new investment opportunities and for managing projects that build the portfolio. It provides tools that provide end-to-end business intelligence on project portfolio performance.
The pulse of CognitiveOPS will be measured in the COE investment services base in NY and project delivery base located in GA. The COE enables efficient communications with key stakeholders for effective decision making and investment tuning internally and externally.
Project Portfolio Management is about more than running multiple projects. Each portfolio of projects needs to be assessed by its business value and adherence to strategy. The portfolio should be designed to achieve a defined business objective or benefit.
CognitiveOps understand the portfolio level is about working with summary or key data. It is important to avoid information overload. The detail of each project should be kept at the project team level, managed by the individual project managers. Key information should be rolled up and presented at each level within the organization as appropriate.
The CognitiveOps COE has a robust process which is used to evaluate the projects at various points during their life cycle. At the beginning of each stage we engage our clients to aid in evaluating the business case, asking whether it is still relevant and able to deliver the specified objectives. If the answer is no, then the project should be stopped. This way the we can ensure we stay focused on delivering a strategy, goal or other benefit, and that resources are used where they will offer the best return for you.